Twenty-Eigth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

You all probably know that at the end of next month we will have a revised English missal[1]. To help us be properly prepared, I want to say something about this new translation - and want to do it in light to today's Gospel[2].

When we inaugurate the new English translation, instead of saying, And also with you, at the very beginning, the congregation will respond, And with your Spirit. Why the change? Well, there are a number of reasons. First and most important: And with your spirit more exactly translates the Latin, Et cum spiritu tuo. The Latin itself goes back to the Hebrew: Spirit (ruah in Hebrew) represents the entire person in his unseen dimension –his power to relate to God and to others. So the congregation is wishing that Lord be with the celebrant's spirit –his deepest being. Without the Lord present in his deepest being, how can he lead the people in worshipping God? So you will say to me, And with your spirit.  

This Sunday I would like to address the words we hear in the central part of the Mass –the consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Instead of saying Jesus' Blood is shed for all the priest will say for many.

There are important reasons for this change. First, like and with your spirit, the words for many more correctly translate the Latin text. The Latin says, pro multis. You can easily recognize that multis contains the root of English words such as multiply, multitude and multiple. Those words imply a big number, but do not necessarily mean all. Christ of course did die for all, but redemption is not mechanical or automatic. And this is important. Jesus offers sufficient grace to all. We, however, have to open ourselves to that grace. In the Bible it clearly states that Jesus offers his life for many[3]. Yes, Jesus died for all, but not all want his blood upon them.

We see this in today's Gospel. Jesus speaks about a king with a long list of people invited to a wedding banquet. The banquet is heaven[4], sadly the invited guests refuse to come. They have more important things on their mind. They even make fun of the king's messengers and mistreat them.

All are invited, but not all respond. It's hard for us to come to grips with the fact that not everyone might be saved. Yet that is the conclusion of today's parable: Many are invited, but few are chosen.

I have to be honest. I do not like the idea that some might be excluded from heaven –especially when I consider that one of those people might be me! I am confident about God's love –but I am not so confident about myself. For that reason I ask: How could a person be excluded from heaven?

Even though we are made for God, in this life we have to develop a taste for God. It is easy to fill ourselves with other things –a kind of spiritual junk food. People often do not go to Mass because "it is boring." Of course, a salad is boring in comparison to French Fries. But a person can cultivate a taste for salad - just like a person can develop a taste for God.

Hell is a self-made prison. A man builds his own hell out things such as anger, pornography, hurt feelings, vanity, false self image and lies. Those things become his daily diet –and he loses (or never acquires) a taste for God. Heaven's banquet (which is nothing more and nothing less than God) holds no attraction for him –other things seem more compelling.

So, yes, Jesus shed his blood for all –and he invites all to the heavenly banquet. But not all accept the invitation.

In a few minutes we will hear a more exact translation of Jesus' words: My blood...poured out for many." We can be part of that joyful multitude. By prayer, by the sacraments we can each day increase our taste for God. Amen ■

[2] Sunday 9th October, 2011, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10. I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life—Ps 22(23). Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20. Matthew 22:1-14 [St Denis & Cc. St John Leonardi].
[3] For example, in Mark 14:24, Jesus says, This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.
[4] As our first reading makes clear: a feast of rich foods and choice wines where God will remove the veil that veils all people...he will destroy death forever.

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Y entonces uno se queda con la Iglesia, que me ofrece lo único que debe ofrecerme la Iglesia: el conocimiento de que ya estamos salvados –porque esa es la primera misión de la Iglesia, el anunciar la salvación gracias a Jesucristo- y el camino para alcanzar la alegría, pero sin exclusividades de buen pastor, a través de esa maravilla que es la confesión y los sacramentos. La Iglesia, sin partecitas.

laus deo virginique matris

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