Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We celebrate today the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; tomorrow we will celebrate 4th of July, a good time to reflect on the fact that the United States of America is a result of big dreams of people who risked everything, people who became Pilgrims, people who made true today's gospel. The disciples did exactly as the founders of this blessed country; and you know, the fathers of America did not come with a credit card in their pocket. They risked everything. Back in those years, you did not take a plane back and forth to Europe. For their bravery and their sacrifice we can now call this country “sweet land of liberty”[1].

And I am pretty sure that you agree with me if I say that God has a great plan for this country. I am going to quote to you a text so we can understand better the dream and plans for America: «No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than we. Since we should to be persuaded that the encouraging smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained»[2].

This is not a Catholic or Protestant preacher. This is George Washington. He was not a priest. He was not a bishop. He was a founder of this country. George Washington and our military are a great example for us today. Yeah! America has one particular blessing, which is the military. This constantly reminds each one of us that we need to be on the go –like pilgrims- trying to fight for what is good, whatever is worthy, whatever is worthy, and whatever is beautiful.

America –and I will try always preaching the same on July 4-, in regard to the faith this country is a giant. We need to have more missionaries. We need to have more saints in America. America is a land of opportunity for the Church also. Saints, holy husbands, holy wives, holy families, holy priests, holy nuns, holy missionaries, holy lawyers, holy physicians –It is still the land of the opportunities.

We are pilgrims by nature in the United States. We are free because of the sacrifice of men and women like you and me. At last we are free from sin and our own selves because of Jesus. In fewer words: we can say we live in the land of freedom, because it is the land of God.

So, the best service we can do to the United States of America is to become saints. You have to be brave to be a mom and a dad today. People use to say “You have to be crazy to have children!” It’s true. And you know what? Bléssed madness that helps us meets the love God has for life.

Let us pray today for the United States of America. Let us pray for the President and his family and the House of Representatives and the Sénate and all the góvernors so that we really become faithful people to the dream –not only of our fathers- but also of God.

God has a dream for America. Will it happen or not? Well, it depends not only on Him but also on us. And it can happen. Americans are nice. So nice. They say, “Yes, we are going to make it happen” –like Nike, Just do it! We need to add a line, “With the help of God” because we sometimes forget it.

America is still a sleeping giant and is the home of the brave if we could just say also the home of the saints. Hopefully we become saints through the grace of God.

God bless America and praised be Jesus Christ!

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Y entonces uno se queda con la Iglesia, que me ofrece lo único que debe ofrecerme la Iglesia: el conocimiento de que ya estamos salvados –porque esa es la primera misión de la Iglesia, el anunciar la salvación gracias a Jesucristo- y el camino para alcanzar la alegría, pero sin exclusividades de buen pastor, a través de esa maravilla que es la confesión y los sacramentos. La Iglesia, sin partecitas.

laus deo virginique matris

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